Thursday, March 10, 2011

Interactive Whiteboards

Interactive white boards definitely are fun to play with. They are a great teaching tool when used properly. They enhance teaching because of the capabilities and creative ideas that are limited only to the mind of the teacher. The technology was difficult for me to use. I am left handed, so it takes awhile for me to realize I need to watch my dragging hand when I write on the board. Also there are times when I am too short to reach certain things on the board. It was also difficult because I tend to touch the board when I teach, and that sometimes knocks things off of alignment. The pros to having the technology in the classroom is that almost everything is in one screen. It is the overhead, the white board, the television, the computer. It is everything anyone could need in the classroom. However, it is limited in ways. The screen is only so big, so for writing long sentences or doing math equations it poses some problems. One of the lesson plans I wrote in the past involved the "Plot Roller coaster" and I felt that if I could use the white board to draw different things and highlight certain areas, the lesson would have been improved.

For English, I feel like it is difficult to get creative on the Smartboard. It was nice to be able to highlight and circle things with different colors not limited to the number of markers I have. It was also nice because it allows for more creativity. I love the split screen feature. That would come in handy when comparing and contrasting writing styles. Overall, I feel like the Smartboard is better suited in elementary classrooms, but I can see the benefit for secondary as well.

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