Sunday, May 8, 2011

Final Blog: Technology in the Classroom

ü  How important is it to incorporate technology into your classroom? What are the benefits to you and your students? What are some of the challenges? What are the important lessons you will take with you from this class and use?

Using technology in the classroom is becoming increasingly important. It is a great way to connect with students and allow them to use something that comes naturally to them - especially if the content does not come as easily to them. Because of the changing technological mind of society, this may just become the way to teach in the future.As a teacher, using technology is great because there are simply things one can do using technology that a paper, pencil, chalkboard, white board, etc. cannot do. For students, it allows them to think creatively and use things they feel comfortable with. It is going to be challenging to keep abreast of all the new technology, but in order to be an effective teacher, it is something I feel I must do.  It will also be difficult with the changing technology to use things from year to year, but perhaps if things are upgraded they will be better to work with. Some of the things I'm sure I will use include: Smartboards, innovative lesson plans, Movie Maker, and the lesson plans on Word. Probably the thing I will use most often is Google Docs. I definitely have heard of Google Docs, but I never really used it. I know that (as of now..) I plan to use a lot of writing in my classroom, and this will be an easier way to do so that is also environmentally conscious. Overall, this class taught me a lot about things I can do with technology in English - something I truly did not think I would get out of the class. I can't wait to use it in a classroom in the future!

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